作者 田野调查方法
来源 黄世杰
发布时间 09/11/25
URTEVANT (eds.) 1962 Anthropology and Human Behavior, Washington, D. C.: The Anthropological Society of Washington Note especially the articles by Dell Hymes and by Charles O. Frake, and the commentary by Harold C. Conklin. HAll, EDWARD T. 1974 Handbook for Proxemic Analysis, Washington, D.C.: Society for the Anthropology of Visual Communication TYLER, STEPHEN A. (ed.) 1969 Cognitive Anthropology, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Note especially Harold C. Conklin’s “lexicographical Treatment of Folk Taxonomies,” his “Notes on Oueries in Ethnography,” and the editor “Introductions” to parts 1 and 2. 人类学田野调查方法练习要求在你认为某人在单独进行一项单一的活动的情况下,对他进行十五分钟的观察。做记录。在你们两人分别完成活动或观察后,就“这个人在做什么”这个问题对他进行访问。 |
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